Billick Rogers | Family Law | Wisdom | Compassion | Results
Billick Rogers | Family Law | Wisdom | Compassion | Results

Property Division

North Carolina Property Distribution Laws

In some divorce cases, the most difficult questions to resolve are those concerning division of property and debt.

Under North Carolina law, property and debt acquired during the marriage must generally be divided between the spouses using the concept of equitable distribution. Generally, equitable distribution means that property and debt division must be equal. However, it does not always have to be exactly equal, but it does have to be “fair.” Judges in family law courts consult the North Carolina statutes for guidance on what constitutes a “fair” division.

Contact our Concord lawyers to arrange a consultation, or brief us on your situation here.

A Family Law Firm In Concord, North Carolina

At Billick Rogers Family Law, family law attorneys Amber Billick and Bill Rogers offer a full range of family law legal services, including representing spouses in divorce and legal separation proceedings.

As attorneys for one spouse during divorce negotiations, we serve as a calm, protective advocate. We help our clients consider both short-term and long-term impacts of proposed marital property settlements. We also make sure all marital assets and debts are uncovered and distributed appropriately.

Contact our Concord office to arrange a consultation, or brief us on your situation here.

Call For Action! 704-788-3262.

Types of assets that must be considered during the property division stage of a divorce include:

  • The home
  • Vacation properties, both in and out of state
  • Retirement funds
  • Cars and other personal property
  • Family businesses
  • Mortgage debt
  • Consumer debt

All these assets must undergo a valuation process, and then the negotiation begins to determine a fair distribution of all assets and debts accrued during the marriage. If we are unable to resolve your case by agreement, then we aggressively represent your interests in an equitable distribution trial before a family court judge. Contact Billick Rogers Family Law.

If you are considering divorce and have questions about marital property division, we encourage you to contact our office for an appointment with our local divorce lawyers. Call us today at 704-788-3262.